Page size format.
Orientation of pages in PDF.
Mark this checkbox if you want to create printer-friendly PDF, without web specific elements and graphic.
Mark this checkbox if you do not want to add website background to PDF file.
Website zoom before the PDF is captured.
Using this parameter, you can manage how long our converter engine should wait before the PDF is created. Default value are 2 seconds. This parameter is useful when you want to convert longer pages.
HTML element selector that is clicked before the PDF is created. Useful for accepting annoying GDPR or cookie banners. For example: .click-here will click the element with class="click-here" or #click-this will click on element with id="click-this".
More info about selectors can be found in CSS Selector Reference.
Comma separated selectors of elements that will be hidden before the PDF is created. Useful for hidding various GDPR/cookie banners, popup dialogs or any other elements. Usage is the same as "Click on element".